Hi! My name is
And I'm a Software

About me

I'm Keta and I'm a Software

I am a Software Engineering Student at University of Waterloo. I am passionate about STEM and looking to broaden my horizons by exploring new opportunities. I am very comfortable looking for solutions with out of box thinking and problem solving with several different coding languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, SQL, HTML & CSS.

I am a team player with great communication skills, and I enjoy expanding my skillset by taking on new challenges.

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University of Waterloo

September 2021 - Present

Honours Software Engineering, Co-op Program


All in Good Waste

The machine uses a Raspberry Pi to recognise and sort trash accurately and efficiently. The project: the camera takes a picture of the trash and using image processing as well as machine learning, it will identify the piece of trash. The display will show the output as well as the confidence level of the sorting. Along with that, the LED's will light up to give another visual of what trash was identified as. Next, the first motor will start moving to the location above its associated bin. The second motor will turn the cardboard, depositing the trash.

Python 100%
Cracked Screen Filter

I created this filter that replaces the TV screen with the image of a cracked screen.This filter is meant for users to have fun with their friends.

JavaScript 100%


Contact me

If you have any questions, just drop me a message :)